About the Canadian Biosphere Research Network (CBRN)
About CBRN
News and events
BR research
BR links
BR initiatives
BR pictures
UNESCO documents
Become a member
Contact us

Our purpose

To connect people who are interested in biosphere reserve research ranging from work done ON the biosphere reserve concept and its implementation (e.g., what is its significance and what are the practical applications of the concept?) to work done IN biosphere reserves relating to conservation, sustainable development and livelihoods and capacity building.

Who may join?

Members of CBRN include government researchers, NGO workers, biosphere reserve community residents, university faculty, graduate students, and members of the Canadian Biosphere Reserve Association (CBRA).

Why join?

Membership allows you to join a listserv so that you may email all members with questions and information. By using the listserv, you may:

-advertise a conference;

-find out if anyone can work in your biosphere reserve on a topic that you need researched;

-share your research results (articles, theses, reports, summaries);

-get feedback on preliminary results or a proposal/abstract/draft/research idea; and,

-ask members if they are interested in collaborating with you on a research project.

I would join, but I don't want to be inundated with SPAM or emails

You may be concerned that joining our listserv will result in an inundation of SPAM and frequent messages. However, our members are screened and we have not had a problem with SPAM or frequent messaging.  As well, you have control over what messages you get by the setting that you join, and you may, at any time, ask me (Sharmalene at srmendis@uwaterloo.ca) to remove you from the listserv.

Click here to join!

Other links:

CBRN Coordinator: Sharmalene Mendis-Millard